
Window of the World



February 28, 2020
January 6, 2020
1、到深圳必到世界之窗,小窗口大世界,扩宽视野。 2、旁边还有欢乐谷、锦绣中华民俗村、何香凝美术馆、益田购物广场,来这里一天,可以从早嗨到晚,非常充实。
Sam X.
December 22, 2019
世界之窗坐落于深圳湾畔,占地48万平方米。作为以弘扬世界文化精华为主题的大型文化旅游景区,世界之窗荟萃了世界几千年人类文明的精华。世界之窗以其丰富的文化内涵,雍容恢宏的规划设计,精美绝伦的景观项目、不同凡响的艺术演出,动感刺激的娱乐项目,为中外游客再现了一个美妙精彩的世界。景区按世界地域结构和游览活动内容分为世界广场、亚洲区、大洋州区、欧洲区、非洲区、美洲区、现代科技娱乐区、世界雕塑园、国际街八大景区,内建有130个景点。既有微缩景观的精巧别致,又兼具原景观的包容性和冲击力。其中包括世界著名景观埃及金字塔、阿蒙神庙、柬埔寨吴哥窟、美国大峡谷、巴黎雄狮凯旋门、梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂、印度泰姬陵、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院、意大利比萨斜塔等等。这些景点分别以1:1、1:5、1:15等不同比例仿建,精致绝伦,惟妙惟肖。有些景点气势非常壮观。如缩小为三分之一比例的法国埃菲尔铁塔,高108米,巍然耸立,游人可乘观光电梯到塔顶,饱览深圳市和香港风光。缩小的尼亚加拉大瀑布面宽有八十多米,落差十多米,水流飞泻,吼声震天,声势浩大。喷吐岩浆的夏威夷火山以及百米喷泉,令游客叹为观止。作为景区活动中心的世界广场,可容纳游客万余人,正面有十尊世界著名雕塑,广场四周耸立着108根不同风格的大石柱和近两千多平方米的浮雕墙,还有象征世界古老文明发祥地的六座巨门,一座华丽的舞台,将有世界各地的艺术家表演精彩的节目,让游客在文化和艺术的氛围中尽情享受。在一片浓郁的荔枝园里,有五十多尊世界名雕,如有“约翰·施特劳斯纪念碑”、“掷铁饼者”、“阿波罗太阳神”、“思想者”等,形象生动,栩栩如生。深圳世界之窗不仅经济效益在国内旅游企业独占螯头,社会效益也收获丰厚。1997年世界之窗被中华全国总工会授予全国“五一”劳动奖章称号;1998年以来在全国旅游景区中世界之窗成为首家获得全国青年文明号称号、全国杰出青年文明号、全国青年文明号十年成就奖荣誉景区;2001年被国家旅游局授予首批国家AAAA级旅游景区;2004年在深圳市第一届最具影响力知名品牌评比中世界之窗力压众多著名品牌,以公众投票率第一、专家评选全票通过,在39家获奖企业中名列第一;2005年在深圳改革开放十大历史性建筑评选活动,经公众投票和专家投票,世界之窗世界广场在百余建筑中脱颖而出,获得十大历史性建筑称号。2005年在最能代表深圳的深圳名片评选中,世界之窗又获旅游业唯一的功勋奖。 The window of the World is located on the shore of Shenzhen Bay, covering an area of ​​480,000 square meters. As a large-scale cultural tourist area with the theme of promoting the essence of world culture, Window of the World has gathered the essence of human civilization in the world for thousands of years. With its rich cultural connotation, magnificent planning and design, exquisite landscape projects, extraordinary artistic performances, and dynamic entertainment projects, Window of the World has recreated a wonderful world for Chinese and foreign tourists. The scenic area is divided into eight major scenic spots according to the world's regional structure and tour content: World Square, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, America, Modern Technology and Entertainment District, World Sculpture Garden, and International Street. It has both the exquisite and chic miniature landscape and the inclusiveness and impact of the original landscape. These include the world-famous landscape of the Egyptian Pyramid, the Temple of Amon, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, the Grand Canyon of the United States, the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, St. Peter's Basilica of the Vatican, the Taj Mahal of India, the Sydney Opera House of Australia, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, and many more. These scenic spots are imitated in different proportions such as 1: 1, 1: 5, 1:15, etc. They are exquisite and exquisite. Some attractions are spectacular. For example, the French Eiffel Tower, which is reduced to one-third of the size, stands 108 meters high and stands tall. Visitors can take the sightseeing elevator to the top of the tower to enjoy the scenery of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The narrowed Niagara Falls has a width of more than 80 meters and a drop of more than 10 meters. The water is flowing and the roar is soaring and powerful. The volcanic Hawaiian volcano and the 100-meter fountain will astound visitors. The World Square, the center of the scenic area, can accommodate more than 10,000 tourists. There are ten world-famous sculptures on the front. Around the square are 108 large stone pillars of different styles and nearly 2,000 square meters of relief walls. The six giant gates of the birthplace of civilization, a gorgeous stage, will have wonderful performances by artists from all over the world, allowing visitors to enjoy a cultural and artistic atmosphere. In a rich litchi garden, there are more than 50 world-famous carvings, such as "John Strauss Monument", "Scitron", "Apollo Sun God", "Discus thrower", "Thinker", etc., with vivid images, Lifelike. Shenzhen Window of the World not only has the exclusive economic benefits of domestic tourism companies but also has a lot of social benefits. In 1997, Window of the World was awarded the National May 1st Labor Medal title by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. Since 1998, Window of the World has become the first country to win the title of National Youth Civilization, National Outstanding Youth Civilization, National Youth Civilization. No. 10-year Achievement Award Honored Scenic Spot; 2001 was awarded the first batch of national AAAA-level scenic spots by the National Tourism Administration; in 2004, honored the first most influential famous brand in Shenzhen. It was the highest top-ranking, and the expert selection was approved by all votes. It ranked first among the 39 award-winning companies. In 2005, Shenzhen's reform and opening up to the top ten historic buildings were selected. It stands out among the buildings and has been awarded the title of Top Ten Historic Buildings. In 2005, as one of the Shenzhen City Attractions Cards that best represented Shenzhen, Window of the World won the only merit award in the tourism industry.
December 4, 2019
January 7, 2019
中国著名的缩微景区,是一个把世界奇观、历史遗迹、古今名胜、民间歌舞表演融为一体的人造主题公园。 公园中的各个景点都按不同的比例仿建。 全园分为世界广场、亚洲区、美洲区、非洲区、大洋洲区、欧洲区、雕塑园和国际街8个主题区,分别展示了法国埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎凯旋门、意大利比萨斜塔、印度泰姬陵、埃及金字塔等一百多个世界著名的文化景观和建筑奇迹。公园中的各个景点,都按不同比例仿建,精巧别致,惟妙惟肖。世界之窗的一个个景点都是一首首凝固的交响诗,那些异彩纷呈的民俗表演则是一幅幅活泼生动的风情画。