
Upper Antelope Canyon



October 30, 2019
景點特色 羚羊峽谷:羚羊峡谷是世界上著名的狭缝型峡谷之一,摄影师最醉心的一处摄影点 ,位于美国亚利桑纳州北方,最靠近的城市为佩吉,属于纳瓦荷原住民保护区。羚 羊峡谷在地形上分为两个独立的部分,称为上羚羊峡谷与下羚羊峡谷。 馬蹄灣:马蹄湾是科罗拉多河靠近美国亚利桑那州佩吉市的一个马蹄形弯曲,坐落 在格伦峡谷水坝和鲍威尔湖的下游,距佩吉市6公里。从89号美国国道徒步1.2公 里可以抵达蹄铁湾,陡峭的悬崖上方是最佳观景位置。悬崖上方的海拔为4,200英 尺,科罗拉多河海拔3,200英尺,落差达1,000英尺。 錫安國家公園:锡安国家公园是犹他州最多样、最古老和游客最多的国家公园,占 地共229平方英里(593平方公里),它是一座壮观的大峡谷,谷中陡峭的巨石高 耸如云,幽幽谷底深不可测,峡谷又窄又深,站在谷底眺望绝壁,景色十分壮观。 公园内有很多飞禽走兽,能看到一些十分可爱的小动物,如羚羊、小松鼠等。 參考行程 DAY1 拉斯維加斯出發,各酒店接客人— 出发前往格兰水坝/鲍威尔湖(外观)— 马蹄湾 游览(约45分钟)— 前往羚羊彩穴-上下羚羊參觀(約60-90分鐘)— 午餐自理 — 前往錫安國家公園游览— 返回拉斯维加斯,送回酒店,晚餐自理 行程顺序仅做参考,实际行程顺序以当天交通情况为准。 不建议客人购买行程结束当天的航班或安排其他重要行程。 此行程为一日游,无行李位提供,每位客人可携带一件随身背包。 如有需要请跟房东联系
景點特色 羚羊峽谷:羚羊峡谷是世界上著名的狭缝型峡谷之一,摄影师最醉心的一处摄影点 ,位于美国亚利桑纳州北方,最靠近的城市为佩吉,属于纳瓦荷原住民保护区。羚 羊峡谷在地形上分为两个独立的部分,称为上羚羊峡谷与下羚羊峡谷。 馬蹄灣:马蹄湾是科罗拉多河靠近美国亚利桑那州佩吉市的一个马蹄形弯曲,坐落 在格伦峡谷水坝和鲍威尔湖的下游,距佩吉市6公里。从89号美国国道徒步1.2公 里可以抵达蹄铁湾,陡峭的悬崖上方是最佳观景位置。悬崖上方的海拔为4,200英 尺,科罗拉多河海拔3,200英尺,落差达1,000英尺。 錫安國家公園:锡安国家公园是犹他州最多样、最古老和游客最多的国家公园,占 地共229平方英…
July 14, 2022
Discover the great Antelope Canyon!
May 29, 2022
Leave bustling Las Vegas and head out on a scenic drive into Navajo territory and explore this striking landscape with the help of a local Navajo guide. Stop for breakfast in St. George, Utah, home to the oldest continuously operating Mormon temple in the world. After breakfast, approach the mighty Colorado River for a visit to Horseshoe Bend. Note where the river flows and meanders around the rocks creating a distinctive horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. Next, travel to where “the water runs through the rocks” as per the local Navajo folklore. Explore lower Antelope Canyon and visit the spectacular dunes created by the wind, water, and sand. With your local Navajo guide, discover the beauty of the canyon up close. Admire the beauty of the sun which creates shafts of light that shine through the slits in the canyon walls. After a break for lunch, continue to the Glenn Canyon viewpoint for one last look at this spectacular area. Finally, hop back on the bus to return to Las Vegas in the evening.
Leave bustling Las Vegas and head out on a scenic drive into Navajo territory and explore this striking landscape with the help of a local Navajo guide. Stop for breakfast in St. George, Utah, home to the oldest continuously operating Mormon temple in the world. After breakfast, approach the mighty…
April 21, 2022
Book a tour with antelope canyon tours. Just a block down the street.
March 5, 2022
World Famous for its photography. A three hour drive but so worth it. Do Not miss Horseshoe bend at the same time!

