



My tour of Berlin is very different than the usual Politically correct BS. Actually, think of this as the Politically incorrect tour of Berlin, so feel free to bring along your favorite rude jokes when joining us. It will be full of bad language and bad taste jokes-while paying respect where it is due. No snowflakes allowed! Our exploration will involve memorials, monuments and graves, along with churches and parks. We will discuss a mix of history, current events, local cuisine, the best spots for a cold German beer by the city center of Berlin. Be prepared to be socially active. Other things to note The tour is meant for adults, 18 or older. Each guide will be identified with a small yellow flag and our name!
ALL NEW, UPDATED TOUR IN 2024! BETTER TOUR SLOTS! FOOD AND DRINKS NOW ALL INCLUDED! MORE FUN :-)! The number 1 Airbnb Oktoberfest tour will be back in 2024! Reservations in the best tents! Beer and Food! New friends! History, comedy, and fun! What’s included in your package: -45 min walking tour with your guide Wolf -get access to a vip booth reserved for VIPS and companies at one of the locals‘ favorite tents at the Oktoberfest ("tent time": 3 or 4 hours depending on slot) -NEW for 2024: vouchers for 2 (TWO!!) beers (or other drinks) and a food item are INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE this year! -get a wristband for the Oide Wiesn, the old Oktoberfest, a locals' favorite (entrance fee included) and check out the historic rides (rides are only 1 Euro with your wristband!) -learn about the the Oktoberfest, its history, German beers and breweries -climb the steps up to the Bavaria statue for a breathtaking view of the Oktoberfest and great pictures -learn funny and crazy facts about the “Wiesn" -make new friends! -get tips on what to do in Munich -get tips on where to buy costumes (Dirndl and Lederhosen) -get a bird whistle (Vogelpfeiferl), an authentic Oktoberfest souvenir you cannot get anywhere else ATTENTION! there is two WINE TENT SLOTS this year, as so many guests asked about it: Saturday 21 and 28 at 9:30 am! (Wine tent: wine and Weizenbier (wheat beer) no HELLES!)
In this tour we dive into the layers of immigration that created the Multi-Kulti phenomena in Berlin. From French Huguenots to Turkish Gastarbeiters, we visit many different cultures and hear how their story add and changed Berlin's own history. All the meanwhile sampling delicious food made by them. The tour is about 3 hours. We will visit 3-4 different locations. Some of these locations are well known but some are not your standard tourist attraction. Along with the food, there will be a wine and a craft beer to taste as well. You will get an insight on how Berlin has become the vibrant city that is now in the last 35 years and get to know the immigrant communities that help the progress. There will be no Currywurst or Döner on this tour but delicious food with plenty of cultural references to feed your mind. Other things to note -Please contact us in advance if you have dietary restrictions or preferences. We can adjust the tour accordingly. -Due to availability at the places and due to seasons we might have to change our stops. but we have very tasty alternatives.
The Number 1 Airbnb Berin Tour is back in 2024! You have seen Checkpoint Charly and the Alexanderplatz? You want to explore the alternative and underground side of Berlin and find out why there is so much hype around the city? On this 2.5 hour walking tour of Friedrichshain there will be a little bit of everything - learn about Berlin’s subcultures, alternative lifestyle, street art, crazy stories and urban legends. What you will see: -Street art and graffiti in Berlin’s hippest districts - Friedrichshain neighbourhood, hotspot for nightlife, protests and political events. - Cool alternative outdoor locations off the beaten tourist track -coffee break at one of Berlin's top clubs / outdoor locations -Exhibition grounds and artists' spaces - Street food and drinks: visit Berlin's best donut place (donuts additional charge) - Nightlife and clubbing: facts and history about the most infamous clubs in Berlin such as Berghain - also: learn HOW TO GET INTO BERGHAIN -tour accompanied by clips/pics on your phone - Get an insider guide (worth the price of admission!) written by Harry at the end of the tour with loads of tips for clubs, bars, restaurants and insider places...
I would like to invite you for a 2.5 hour workshop, to paint together, to discuss art and music, and to get acquainted with Berlin’s unique Techno scene. This workshop is meant for you to express your creativity. You won’t need to buy materials and you don’t need to have prior painting experience. You just need to show up and enjoy the process. In the end you will have a beautiful work of art (acrylic on canvas), made by you, ready to be hung on your walls. How it goes: First we will explore the creative process, and decide on the color palette for each person. Then we will absorb ourselves in the music and learn how to translate its energy into painting. You will be personally instructed in the unique technique and the use of colors. We will begin to work in layers of color. You will be immersed in the creative process, forgetting your everyday life and expressing your inner playfulness. We will take one break to dry the layers, discuss the process, evaluate the outcome so far and decide how to proceed. During the break drinks will be served. While we're painting I will gladly share the "secrets" of Berlin's club culture. Discussing the dress codes and door policies of the major clubs, where I party every weekend. Other things to note Please contact me if you are a group. I have ability to host groups up to 8 people, but details need to be discussed first.


Our most popular tour contains everything you should know about Berlin. Discover the best of Berlin with our great city guides: compact, entertaining and well-researched! Embark on an exciting tour of discovery with us to the most famous sights of the city, rounded off by interesting facts and surprising anecdotes, which can often surprise even Berliners themselves. You'll see: - Brandenburg Gate - Reichstag - Hitler’s Bunker - The Berlin Wall - Checkpoint Charlie - Holocaust Memorial - Book Burning Memorial - The Prussian “City Palace” - Unter den Linden (Royal Boulevard) - Friedrichstrasse Cabaret Mile - 17 June Memorial - Former Luftwaffe HQ - Former SS & Gestapo HQ - Memorial to the Victims of War & Tyranny - Topography of Terror Museum …and many more!
My tour of Berlin is very different than the usual Politically correct BS. Actually, think of this as the Politically incorrect tour of Berlin, so feel free to bring along your favorite rude jokes when joining us. It will be full of bad language and bad taste jokes-while paying respect where it is due. No snowflakes allowed! Our exploration will involve memorials, monuments and graves, along with churches and parks. We will discuss a mix of history, current events, local cuisine, the best spots for a cold German beer by the city center of Berlin. Be prepared to be socially active. Other things to note The tour is meant for adults, 18 or older. Each guide will be identified with a small yellow flag and our name!
Individueller Goldschmiedekurs zwei Std
In meiner Werkstatt hast du die Möglichkeit, in einem Zeitfenster von 2 Stunden dein eigenes kleines Schmuckstück zu kreiieren. Dabei ist mir besonders wichtig, dass du individuell nach deinem Geschmack alles aussuchen darfst. Ich lasse dich auf Schatzsuche gehen und du kannst alle Werkzeuge vorher ausprobieren. Auch wenn du vorher keine konkrete Idee hast, helfe ich dir und zeige dir was alles so möglich ist. Ich empfehle in diesem doch knappen Zeitfenster in Silber zu arbeiten. Wenn Silber für dich keine Option ist und du gern in Gold (ca. 95,-€ pro Gramm) arbeiten möchtest, dann finden wir da auch einen Weg. Du solltest natürlich keine Scheu vor Hammer, Feile und Säge haben und auch das Spiel mit dem Feuer kann teil des Workshops sein. Ich garantiere dir, dass du danach um eine tolle Erfahrung reicher bist. ;-)
ALL NEW, UPDATED TOUR IN 2024! BETTER TOUR SLOTS! FOOD AND DRINKS NOW ALL INCLUDED! MORE FUN :-)! The number 1 Airbnb Oktoberfest tour will be back in 2024! Reservations in the best tents! Beer and Food! New friends! History, comedy, and fun! What’s included in your package: -45 min walking tour with your guide Wolf -get access to a vip booth reserved for VIPS and companies at one of the locals‘ favorite tents at the Oktoberfest ("tent time": 3 or 4 hours depending on slot) -NEW for 2024: vouchers for 2 (TWO!!) beers (or other drinks) and a food item are INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE this year! -get a wristband for the Oide Wiesn, the old Oktoberfest, a locals' favorite (entrance fee included) and check out the historic rides (rides are only 1 Euro with your wristband!) -learn about the the Oktoberfest, its history, German beers and breweries -climb the steps up to the Bavaria statue for a breathtaking view of the Oktoberfest and great pictures -learn funny and crazy facts about the “Wiesn" -make new friends! -get tips on what to do in Munich -get tips on where to buy costumes (Dirndl and Lederhosen) -get a bird whistle (Vogelpfeiferl), an authentic Oktoberfest souvenir you cannot get anywhere else ATTENTION! there is two WINE TENT SLOTS this year, as so many guests asked about it: Saturday 21 and 28 at 9:30 am! (Wine tent: wine and Weizenbier (wheat beer) no HELLES!)
In this tour we dive into the layers of immigration that created the Multi-Kulti phenomena in Berlin. From French Huguenots to Turkish Gastarbeiters, we visit many different cultures and hear how their story add and changed Berlin's own history. All the meanwhile sampling delicious food made by them. The tour is about 3 hours. We will visit 3-4 different locations. Some of these locations are well known but some are not your standard tourist attraction. Along with the food, there will be a wine and a craft beer to taste as well. You will get an insight on how Berlin has become the vibrant city that is now in the last 35 years and get to know the immigrant communities that help the progress. There will be no Currywurst or Döner on this tour but delicious food with plenty of cultural references to feed your mind. Other things to note -Please contact us in advance if you have dietary restrictions or preferences. We can adjust the tour accordingly. -Due to availability at the places and due to seasons we might have to change our stops. but we have very tasty alternatives.
Packraft-Ausflug Waginger See
Begleiten Sie mich auf einem der schönsten See Bayerns zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Wir werden durch wilde Ufer raften, Natur und Stille genießen. Ich stelle moderne ultraleichte Einsitzer-Packrafts vor, die Sie auf Wander- und Radtouren mitnehmen können. Bei gutem Wetter können wir Rafting mit Schwimmen und Sonnenbaden kombinieren. Wir starten am Strand an der Brücke zwischen den Seen und kehren dann zurück
Surfen in Ingolstadt
Auf dich wartet ein besonderes Outdoor Erlebnis mitten in Ingolstadt. Ein Segel, eine Brücke, und ein Surfbrett - das ist alles was du brauchst, um flussaufwärts zu surfen. UP STREAM SURFING ist eine Mischung aus Wakeboarden und Surfen – inklusive Turns, & Tricks. Qualifizierte Surfcoaches stehen dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und du wirst schon bald ein Profi auf den wilden Gewässern Innsbrucks sein. Lerne die Alpen von einer neuen Seite kennen und surfe mit UP STREAM SURFING gegen den Strom! Im UP STREAM Schnupperkurs lernst du wie du den Fluss bezwingen kannst! Du lernst, wie du dein Surfbrett beherrschst & saubere Turns im Wasser machst. Du übst zunächst an einem einfachen Seil und kannst dein Können anschließend am UP STREAM System auf die Probe stellen, das dich mit über 20 km/h und bis zu 200m gegen die Strömung zieht! Da sich die Schwierigkeit beliebig anpassen lässt kannst du dein Surflevel individuell verbessern. Lediglich Schwimmkenntnisse sind eine Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme am Kurs. Lerne die Alpen von einer neuen Seite kennen und surfe mit UP STREAM SURFING gegen den Strom!
Wanderung mit dem Packraft
Du möchtest Packrafting endlich selbst ausprobieren und dabei eine der schönsten Flusslandschaften der Chiemgauer Alpen kennenlernen? Wir wandern 7 km mit den Packrafts im Rucksack auf dem urigen Schmugglerweg und paddeln durch wilde Natur zurück. Der Traun ist landschaftlich ein echtes Highlight und bietet einfach perfekte Bedingungen für erste Paddelschläge auf Fluß.
Secret Trail Hiking in Heidelberg
Wir treffen uns an der Alten Brücke, eines der Wahrzeichen von Heidelberg, nach einem kurzen Kennenlernen machen wir uns auf für eine kleine Wanderung. Die über einstündige Rundwanderung entlang am Neckar bis zum Russenstein, dort beginnt der Aufstieg durch die "Neuenheimer Schweiz" (Naturschutzgebiet Russenstein), die auch vielen Heidelbergern unbekannt ist. Ansonsten zu beachten Kondition und Trittsicherheit (teilweise keine befestigten Wege) sind erforderlich für diese Wanderung. Man sollte sich seiner eigenen Sportlichkeit bewusst sein, denn die Teilnahme erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr.
Privat Foto Workshop Outdoor in Essen
Themen des Workshops in Essen: - Technische Einstellungen an der Kamera - Blende, Belichtungszeit und Lichtempfindlichkeit - Weißabgleich - Manuelle Einstellungen an der Kamera - RAW / Jpeg - Stile in der Fotografie - Bildkompositionen - Praktische Aufgaben am Ort Die benötigte Ausstattung: Eine digitale Kamera mit der Möglichkeit manuellen Einstellungen der Zeit, Blende, ISO und wetterentsprechende Kleidung.
Masquerade Photoshoot & Soft Party with Venetian Masks
"Sometimes we need to cover a small part to show a bigger truth" Dear Lovely guests, I would like to invite you to a warm gathering where anyone will be wearing an original Venetian Mask, provided by me. The event will involve also music, freedom of movements, dance and interaction with others. During the evening, I will take photos of all of you, alone or with others. Dresses should somehow fit with the masks, so please bring different outfits which could be elegant, extravagant, 20's, aesthetic, burlesque or try something from my wardrobe; there will be a separate room for dressing up. I will guide the group and initialize the evening, by moving people around, trying out masks, serving tea or fresh juices. When everyone will be comfortable, I will start taking my camera and photograph all of you, alone or with others. I will be discrete and not disturbing the flow of the lightcandle event. Photos will be natural, extravagant, sensual, with some skin exposed, if you feel, with or without the mask. No one can force any other to do anything they dont feel comfortable with. You will be free to leave at any time. So will it be a photoshoot or a small party of desires and fantasies? Probably both, judge yourself from the photos ! You will go home with some unusual photos of yourself and of the others and with the feeling of having been part of a movie of Fellini or Kubrick.
Discover Berlin with me at one of most picturesque spots in Berlin - The Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and take memorable photos along the way. Perfect for couples, engagements, families and solo travellers and even your dating profiles! lGBTQ friendly. Never done a photoshoot before, don't worry, I'm here to guide you every step of the way, I believe the best photos are the ones that you feel the most comfortable, and I will make sure we have a great laugh throughout the experience :) All photos in the gallery will be part of the tour. You will receive 30 professionally edited photos once the experience is complete. Please message me for other photoshoot locations and I can customize it for you. I also do portraits, events, engagements, weddings.
All food is included ! Welcome to Berlin, the capital of street food :) Berlin is a huge city with lots of incredible little secret spots. Paradise of authentic street food with a lot of influences What's to eat ? Some local specialties, the best kebab in town of course, amazing tacos, our favorite bakery (even better than in Paris) and some other surprises far from tourist traps ! Tastings may vary depending on the season Vegetarians are also welcome :) ⇨ IG : @no_diet_club ▶ What this tour is about ✔ - Many tastings to share - A nice walk in our favorite Berlin neighborhood - What locals actually eat - Lots of fun - Funny/bad jokes - Pictures and souvenirs - Smiles - A list of serious recommendations in Berlin - New friends from all around the world ✌
The Number 1 Airbnb Berin Tour is back in 2024! You have seen Checkpoint Charly and the Alexanderplatz? You want to explore the alternative and underground side of Berlin and find out why there is so much hype around the city? On this 2.5 hour walking tour of Friedrichshain there will be a little bit of everything - learn about Berlin’s subcultures, alternative lifestyle, street art, crazy stories and urban legends. What you will see: -Street art and graffiti in Berlin’s hippest districts - Friedrichshain neighbourhood, hotspot for nightlife, protests and political events. - Cool alternative outdoor locations off the beaten tourist track -coffee break at one of Berlin's top clubs / outdoor locations -Exhibition grounds and artists' spaces - Street food and drinks: visit Berlin's best donut place (donuts additional charge) - Nightlife and clubbing: facts and history about the most infamous clubs in Berlin such as Berghain - also: learn HOW TO GET INTO BERGHAIN -tour accompanied by clips/pics on your phone - Get an insider guide (worth the price of admission!) written by Harry at the end of the tour with loads of tips for clubs, bars, restaurants and insider places...
So, here's the plan: You get to become part of one of the biggest and most fun stand comedy shows in English in Berlin! And it's all on a boat! It's a fun, vibrant, energetic and friendly show - EVERY Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We'll have pre-show drinks and then enjoy a great line up of Open Mic comics doing 5-7 minutes of material and an awesome headliner to top it all off. After that we'll have some relaxed drinks at the bar where we mingle and you get to know the comics and the other people joining the experience in a more private setting. So, ask all those questions you've had but never dared to ask about comedy. Other things to note You can smoke on deck, but not in the bar. The bar is cash-only, so they don't accept cards. And they only serve snacks, but there's plenty of restaurants and bistros nearby. If you ever find one of the experiences as fully booked, consider joining us the night before or after. We also run other shows - in fact, we have a show every night of the week - you can find the others (not on the boat), here: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/experiences/1002772